POSTED BY Pahan on Monday, September 29, 2008 under ,
Burst Copy

Burst copy speeds up larger file transfers effectively. But for smaller files series of file its not suitable to use. allows user to adjust priority of the program and its a effective tool. The problem with this software is it doesn't support send to feature in windows which we use regularly. doesnot allow user to run two instances of the program.

Tera Copy

tera copy speeds up larger file transfers but it causes some problems when moving files. even after moving some times it keeps 0byte file which cant be deleted and which causes sometimes windows explorer to malfunction(i am quite sure this happens because of using teracopy) and when moving files if we canceled the operation in the middle it leads to keeping some corrupted files.
anyway its a handy tool. supports send to feature and can replace the explorer copping in windows. doesn't allow user to run two instances of the program but when more copping will add to the Que of the program.

File Copy in Linux Distro's

Most of distro's i know copy speed is almost the same. but we copy series of small files its always worthy to use linux some times it is speeder than windows 100%.

more about speedy copy later
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